IISc Bangalore

Overview of Some Industrial Applications of University-Based Thermo-Fluids Research

Barron and R. Balachandar

University of Windsor, Canada

Wednesday, 20th February, 2019, 3.00 PM


The tools of modern-day thermo-fluids research open up a pl ethora of opportunities for interactions between university researchers and industrial end-users. On the experimental side, measurements include a wide range of devices, ranging from simple flow meters, pressure gauges, thermocouples and hotwires to LDA, LDV, volumetric and time-resolved PIV. The fundamentals of numerical modeling of fluid flows and heat transfer are also well-established and there are many in-house researches, commercial and open-source codes available today. Both approaches, experimental and computational, produce an enormous amount of data which needs to be processed and visualized. Techniques for post-processing of large datasets will be discussed, including POD and various fluid structure identification criteria. While academic researchers may strive to develop a better understanding of the flow physics, industrial researchers want to know how to improve their products. These goals are not mutually exclusive. Examples to illustrate the use of these tools and techniques will be drawn from recent work with industrial partners in the automotive, food processing, greenhouse, mold making and electronics industry.



Dr. Ron Barron, is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, at the University of Windsor, with cross-appointment to the Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering. He holds BA and MSc degrees in Mathematics from University of Windsor, PhD degree in Mathematics from Carleton University and MSc in Engineering from Stanford University. He is currentlyDepartment Head, Associate Dean and Interim Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, Associate Vice-President Research and Director of Research Services. His research spans across several disciplines, notably applied mathematics, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, computer science and physics, focusing on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Numerical Heat Transfer (NHT), with special interest in software development and industrial applications.

Dr. Ram Balachandar, is Professor in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Windsor with appointments in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and in the Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering. Over the last 25 years, Dr. Balachandar’s research focus has been on thermo-fluids engineering and fluid-structure interaction using both experimental and computational tools.


Co-ordinator – Dr. P.S. Kulkarni, Department of Aerospace Engineering, IISc

All are welcome:


Date(s) - 20/02/2019
3:00 am - 5:00 pm

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