

Published/Accepted in International Journals

  1. Paper Title: Robust adaptive predefined time prescribed performance attitude control for spacecraft
    Authors: SriAnish Vutukuri, and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Control Engineering Practice, DOI:
  2. Paper Title: Synchronous Generator Emulation Using Output Matching Control Through Feedback Linearization
    Authors: Tanmay Mishra, Durvesh Kalke, Gurunath Gurrala, and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, DOI: http://10.1109/TEC.2025.3536167
  3. Paper Title: Comprehensive MPSP for Fast Optimal Control: Algorithm Development and Convergence Analysis
    Authors: Prem Kumar, Geethu Joseph, Chandra R. Murthy, and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, DOI: http://10.1007/s41403-024-00502-6
  4. Paper Title: Modelling kinematic variability reveals displacement and velocity based dual control of saccadic eye movements
    Authors: Varsha V., Aditya Murthy, and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Experimental Brain Research, Published online on 09-Jul-2024, DOI: 10.1007/s00221-024-06870-3 
  5. Paper Title: Attitude Constrained Robust Explicit Guidance for Terminal Phase of Autonomous Lunar Soft-landing
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi, Avijit Banerjee, Parvathi S. P., and P. S. V. S. Sai Kumar
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, Volume 71, Article 20, (2024), pp.1-50, DOI: 10.1007/s40295-024-00437-8
  6. Paper Title: Computational Guidance using MPSP for Challenging Space Missions
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi, Avijit Banerjee, S. Mathavaraj, and Srianish Vutukuri
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IEEE Control System Magazine, Apr 2024, pp. 55-80
  7. Paper Title: Optimal Control of Mineral Processing Plants using Model Predictive Static Programming
    Authors: Zander M. Noome, Johan D. le Roux, and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Journal of Process Control, Vol. 129, Sept. 2023, 103067,DOI:
  8. Paper Title:  Robust neuro-adaptive attitude control for high-precision Sun-pointing on a halo orbit
    Authors:  SriAnish Vutukuri and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details:  Acta Astronautica 207 (2023): 361-374
  9. Paper Title: Saccade kinematics modulated by accompanying hand movements are better explained by velocity tracking rather than exclusively by endpoint control
    Authors: Varsha V., Atul Gopal, Sumitash Jana, Radhakant Padhi, and Aditya Murthy
    Journal Title, Reference Details: European Journal of Neuroscience, Published online on 24 Apr 2023 (ahead of print), DOI: http://10.1111/ejn.15997
  10. Paper Title:  An Artificial Pancreas System in Android Phones: A Dual App Architecture
    Authors:  Abishek Chandrasekhar, Divya Saini, and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details:  Pervasive and Mobile Computing 91 (2023): 101767
  11. Paper Title:  Blood Glucose Regulation Models in Artificial Pancreas for Type-1 Diabetic Patients
    Authors:  Abishek Chandrasekhar and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details:  Journal of the Indian Institute of Science (2023): 1-12
  12. Paper Title:  Modelling and Assessment of the Arrival and Departure Process at the Terminal Area: A Case Study of Chennai International Airport
    Authors:  Aitichya Chandra, Ashish Verma, K. P. Sooraj, and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details:  Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 615 (2023), 128590
  13. Paper Title:  Pseudo-Spectral MPSP-based Unified Midcourse and Terminal Guidance for Re-Entry Targets
    Authors:  Prayag Sharma, Prem Kumar, and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details:  IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (2023)
  14. Paper Title: High-Precision Computational Guidance in Terminal Phase with Impact Angle, Lead Angle and Lateral Acceleration Constraints
    Authors: Jaydip Pokiya, Prayag Sharma and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Journal of Franklin Institute, Vol. 352, 2022, pp. 10392-10419
  15. Paper Title: A Finite‑Time Partial Integrated Guidance and Control Approach for Formation of Autonomous Aerial and Ground Robots
    Authors: Kshitij Kumbar, Harshal Oza, and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), Vol. 7, 2022, pp. 1263–1275
  16. Paper Title: Understanding the Terminal Area Traffic Flow Characteristics Using Flight Record Data
    Authors: Aitichya Chandra, Ashish Verma, K. P. Sooraj, Nithya P. K., and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Transportation in Developing Economies, Vol. 8, 2022, Article No. 21.
  17. Paper Title:  Quasi-Spectral Unscented MPSP Guidance for Robust Soft-Landing on Asteroid
    Authors: S. Mathavaraj and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details:  Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 191, 2021, pp. 823–845.
  18. Paper Title:  An Impulsive Model Predictive Static Programming Based Station-Keeping Guidance for Quasi-halo Orbits
    Authors: Srianish Vutukuri and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details:  Acta Astronautica, Volume 188, November 2021, Pages 518-530.
  19. Paper Title:  A Stochastic Optimal Control Model with Internal Feedback and Velocity Tracking for Saccadic Eye Movements
    Authors:  V. Varsha, Aditya Murthy and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details:  Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 68, 2021, pp. 102679: 1-12.
  20. Paper Title:  Lead Angle and Acceleration Constrained Guidance using Quasi-Spectral Model Predictive Static Programming
    Authors: Sabyasachi Mondal and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details:  ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol.143, 2021, pp. 031001: 1-21.
  21. Paper Title:  Site Detection for Autonomous Soft-Landing on Asteroids using Deep Learning
    Authors:  Khilan Ravani, S. Mathavaraj and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details:  Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, Vol. 6, 2021, pp. 365-375.
  22. Paper Title:  Nonlinear Robust Neuro-adaptive Flight Control for Hypersonic Vehicles with State Constraints
    Authors: Kapil Sachan and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details:  Control Engineering Practice, Vol, 102, (2020) pp. 104526: 1-10.
  23. Paper Title:  Safety-constrained robust adaptive control for a class of MIMO non-linear systems
    Authors: Kapil Sachan and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details:  IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 14, Issue 7, 2020, pp. 939-951.
  24. Paper Title:  Multi-phase MPSP Guidance Design for Lunar Soft-Landing
    Authors:  Avijit Banerjee and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details:  Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, Vol. 5, 2020, 61–74.
  25. Paper Title:  Optimally Allocated Robust Control of a Reusable Launch Vehicle During Re-entry
    Authors:  S. Mathavaraj and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details:  Unmanned Systems, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2020, pp. 33–48.
  26. Paper Title: Output-constrained Robust Adaptive Control for Uncertain Nonlinear MIMO Systems with Unknown Control Directions
    Authors: Kapil Sachan and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IEEE Control System Letters, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2019, pp. 823-827.
  27. Paper Title: Waypoint Constrained Multi-Phase Optimal Guidance of Spacecraft for Soft Lunar Landing
    Authors: Kapil Sachan and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Unmanned Systems, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2019, pp. 83-104.
  28. Paper Title: Generalized Explicit Guidance with Optimal Time-to-go and Realistic Final Velocity
    Authors: Sabyasachi Mondal and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers(IMechE), Part-G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019, Published Online, DOI: 10.1177/0954410019834780
  29. Paper Title: Unscented MPSP for Optimal Control of a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
    Authors: S. Mathavaraj and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 141, No. 6, June 2019, pp. 505-513.
  30. Paper Title: Model Predictive Static programming for Optimal Command Tracking: A Fast Model Predictive Control Paradigm
    Authors: Prem Kumar, Bhavya Anoohya and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: ASME Journal of Dynamics Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 141, No. 2, Feb 2019, DOI: 10.1115/1.4041356.
  31. Paper Title: Three-dimensional Nonlinear Gravity Assisted Aiming Point Guidance
    Authors: Shashank H. Ramesh and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 85, 2019, pp. 505–513, DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2018.12.026.
  32. Paper Title: Interdependent Estimation and Guidance with Zero-Effort-Miss Enforcement
    Authors: P.N. Dwivedi, S.N. Tiwari, A. Bhattacharya and R. Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Published Online on 09-Nov-2018, DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2018.2880053.
  33. Paper Title: Integrated Controller for Divert Thruster Flight Propulsion Control Systems
    Authors: A.V. Sudhakar Reddy, S. Karunanidhi, Radhakant Padhi and D.N. Reddy
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, Vol. 70, No. 3, August 2018, pp. 141-156.
  34. Paper Title: Angle-Constrained Terminal Guidance using Quasi-Spectral Model Predictive Static Programming
    Authors: Sabyasachi Mondal and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 41, No. 3, March 2018, pp. 779-787.
  35. Paper Title: Nonlinear impulsive optimal control synthesis with optimal impulse timing: A Pseudo-spectral approach
    Authors: Chandrasekhar M. Sakode and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, Vol. 3, 2018, pp. 30–40
  36. Paper Title: Optimal and Robust Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems Using Dynamically Re-optimized Single Network Adaptive Critic Design
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi and Shivendra N. Tiwari
    Journal Title, Reference Details: International Journal of Systems Science, Vol.49, No.2, 2018, pp. 246-263.
  37. Paper Title: Constrained Optimal Multi-phase Lunar Landing Guidance with Minimum Fuel Consumption
    Authors: S. Mathavaraj, R. Padhi and R. Pandiyan
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Advances in Space Research, Vol.60, 2017, pp. 2477–2490
  38. Paper Title: Flow Field Simulation Tool of Solid Propulsion Control Systems for Missile Applications
    Authors: A. V. Sudhakara Reddy, S. Karunanidhi, R. Padhi and D. N. Reddy
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, Vol. 69, Issue 3, 2017, pp. 345-360.
  39. Paper Title: Robust Control Design of an Air-breathing Engine for a Supersonic Vehicle using Back-Stepping and UKF
    Authors: Arnab Maity and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 19, No. 5, September 2017, pp. 1–12.
  40. Paper Title: Terminal Lead Angle Constrained Generalized Explicit Guidance
    Authors: Prem Kumar, P. N. Dwivedi, A. Bhattacharya and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol.53, No.3, June 2017, pp. 1250-1260.
  41. Paper Title: Aggressive Formation Flying of Fixed-wing UAVs with Differential Geometric Guidance
    Authors: Arti Kalra, Sreenatha Anavatti and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Unmanned Systems, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2017, pp. 97–113.
  42. Paper Title: Robust Auto-landing of Fixed-wing UAVs using Neuro-Adaptive Design
    Authors: Pradeep R. Ambati and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IFAC Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 60, Mar 2017, pp.218–232.
  43. Paper Title: Generalized Estimation and Predictive Guidance for Evasive Targets
    Authors: P. G. Bhale, P. N. Dwivedi, A. Bhattacharya and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 52, No. 5, October 2016, pp. 2111-2122.
  44. Paper Title: Throughput and product quality control for a grinding mill circuit using Nonlinear MPC
    Authors: J. D. le Roux, L. E. Olivier, M. A. Naidoo, R. Padhi and I. K. Craig
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IFAC Journal of Process Control, Volume 42, June 2016, pp. 35-50.
  45. Paper Title: Reactive Collision Avoidance of UAVs with Simple Pinhole Camera Based Passive Stereovision Sensing
    Authors: Amit K. Tripathi and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Unmanned Systems, Volume 4, No. 2, April-May 2016, pp. 129-153.
  46. Paper Title: A Robust and High Precision Optimal Explicit Guidance Scheme for Solid Motor Propelled Launch Vehicles with Thrust and Drag Uncertainty
    Authors: Arnab Maity, Radhakant Padhi, Sanjeev Mallaram, G. Mallikarjuna Rao and M. Manickavasagam
    Journal Title, Reference Details: International Journal of Systems Science, Volume 47, Issue 13, 2016, pp. 3078-3097.
  47. Paper Title: Nonlinear Control of an Air-breathing Engine Including its Validation with Vehicle Guidance
    Authors: Arnab Maity, Jagannath Rajasekaran and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 45, 2015, pp.242-253.
  48. Paper Title: Optimal Control of Grinding Mill Circuit Using Model Predictive Static Programming: A New Nonlinear MPC Paradigm
    Authors: Johan D. le Roux, Radhakant Padhi and Ian K. Craig
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IFAC Journal of Process Control, Vol. 24, Issue 12, December 2014, pp.29-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.jprocont.2014.10.007
  49. Paper Title: Generalized Model Predictive Static Programming and Angle-Constrained Guidance of Air-to-Ground Missiles
    Authors: Arnab Maity, Harshal Oza and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 37, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2014, pp. 1897-1913, DOI: 10.2514/1.G000038
  50. Paper Title: Adaptive Flight Control Design using Neural Network Aided Optimal Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion
    Authors: Geethalakshmi S. Lakshmikanth, Radhakant Padhi, John Watkins and James Steck
    Journal Title, Reference Details: AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, Vol. 11, No. 11, November 2014, pp.785-806.
  51. Paper Title: Formation Flying with Nonlinear Partial Integrated Guidance and Control
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi, P. R. Rakesh and R. Venkataraman
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 50, No. 4, October 2014, pp. 2847-2859.
  52. Paper Title: Multimodal Therapy for Complete Regression of Malignant Melanoma using Constrained Nonlinear Optimal Dynamic Inversion
    Authors: Chandrashekhar M. Sakode, Suhela Kapoor, V. P. S. Rallabandi, Radhakant Padhi and P. K. Roy
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (an IFAC journal), Vol.13, 2014, pp. 198–211.
  53. Paper Title: Generalized State Estimation and Model Predictive Guidance for Spiraling and Ballistic Targets
    Authors: P. N. Dwivedi, P. G. Bhale, A. Bhattacharya and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 37, No. 1, January–February 2014, pp. 243-264, DOI: 10.2514/1.60075
  54. Paper Title: Partial Integrated Guidance and Control of Interceptors for High Speed Ballistic Targets
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi, Charu Chawla and Priya G. Das
    Journal Title, Reference Details: AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 37, No. 1, January–February 2014, pp.149-163, DOI: 10.2514/1.61416
  55. Paper Title: Robust Re-entry Guidance of a Reusable Launch Vehicle using Model Predictive Static Programming
    Authors: Omkar Halbe, Ramsingh G. Raja and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 37, No. 1, January–February 2014, pp. 134-148, DOI: 10.2514/1.61615
  56. Paper Title: SNAC Aided Dynamic Inversion for Optimal Regulation and Command Tracking with Online Adaptation for Enhanced Robustness
    Authors: G. S. Lakshmikanth, Radhakant Padhi, John M. Watkins and James E. Steck
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Vol. 35, 2014, pp.479–500, DOI: 10.1002/oca.2083
  57. Paper Title: A patient-specific therapeutic approach for tumour cell population extinction and drug toxicity reduction using control systems-based dose-profile design
    Authors: Suhela Kapoor, V. P. S. Rallabandi, Chandrashekhar M. Sakode, Radhakant Padhi and P. K. Roy
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, 2013, 10:68 (Open Access),
  58. Paper Title: Dynamic Inversion Based Nonlinear Aiming Point Guidance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Reactive Obstacle Avoidance
    Authors: Ramsingh G. Raja, Charu Chawla and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Unmanned Systems, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2013, pp. 1–17, DOI: 10.1142/S2301385013500076
  59. Paper Title: Impact-Angle-Constrained Suboptimal Model Predictive Static Programming Guidance of Air-to-Ground Missiles
    Authors: Harshal Oza and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol.35, No.1, 2012, pp. 153-164.
  60. Paper Title: Dynamic Estimation of Obstacle Position with Vision Sensing for Reactive Collision Avoidance of UAVs
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi and Ankush Gupta
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, Vol.64, No.3, 2012, pp. 187-200.
  61. Paper Title: Suboptimal Mid-course Guidance of Interceptors for High Speed Targets with Alignment Angle Constraint
    Authors: P. N. Dwivedi, A. Bhattacharya and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2011, pp. 860-877.
  62. Paper Title: Evolving Philosophies on Autonomous Obstacle/Collision Avoidance of UAVs
    Authors: Anusha Mujumdar and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: AIAA Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information and Communication, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2011, pp. 17-41.
  63. Paper Title: Reactive Collision Avoidance Using Nonlinear Geometric and Differential Geometric Guidance
    Authors: Anusha Mujumdar and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 34, No.1, 2011, pp.303-311.
  64. Paper Title: Energy Based Nonlinear Suboptimal Re-entry Guidance and Control of a RLV In Pitch Plane
    Authors: Omkar Halbe, S. Mathavaraj, C. Chawla, P. Sarmah, Chethana Purlupady and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Automatic Control in Aerospace (an online journal), Vol. 4, No. 1, Mar 2011.
  65. Paper Title: Optimal Blood Glucose Regulation of Diabetic Patients Using Single Network Adaptive Critics
    Authors: Sk Faruque Ali and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Vol.32, Issue 2, March/April 2011, pp.196-214.
  66. Paper Title: Suboptimal Reentry Guidance of Reusable Launch Vehicles Using Pitch Plane Maneuver
    Authors: Charu Chawla, Pranjit Sarmah and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol.14, No.6, 2010, pp.377-386.
  67. Paper Title: A Model-Following Neuro-Adaptive Approach for Robust Control of High Performance Aircrafts
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi, Narayan P. Rao, Siddharth Goyal and Abha Tripathi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Automatic Control in Aerospace (an online journal), Vol. 3, No. 1, May 2010.
  68. Paper Title: A Nonlinear Suboptimal Robust Guidance Scheme for Long Range Flight Vehicles with Solid Motors
    Authors: Mangal Kothari and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Automatic Control in Aerospace (an online journal), Vol. 3, No. 1, May 2010.
  69. Paper Title: Single Network Adaptive Critic Design for Power System Stabilizers
    Authors: Gurunath Gurrala, Indraneel Sen and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Volume 3, Issue 9, 2009, pp.850–858.
  70. Paper Title: Active Vibration Suppression of Nonlinear Beams Using Optimal Dynamic Inversion
    Authors: Sk Faruque Ali and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IME, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Vol. 223, No.5, 2009, pp. 657-672.
  71. Paper Title: An Account of Chronological Developments in Control of Distributed Parameter Systems
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi and Sk Faruque Ali
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Annual Reviews in Control, Vol. 33, 2009, pp.59-68.
  72. Paper Title: A Nonlinear Adaptive System Theoretic Approach for Effective Treatment of Infectious Diseases: A Simulation Study
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi and J. R. Bhardhwaj
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 94, 2009, pp.207-222.
  73. Paper Title: Structured Model-Following Neuro-Adaptive Design for Attitude Maneuver of Rigid Bodies
    Authors: Jagannath Rajsekaran, Apurva Chunodkar and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 17, 2009, pp.676-689.
  74. Paper Title: Model Predictive Static Programming: A Computationally Efficient Technique for Suboptimal Control Design
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi and Mangal Kothari
    Journal Title, Reference Details: International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 5, No.2, Feb 2009, pp.399-411.
  75. Paper Title: Suboptimal Control of a One-Dimensional Nonlinear Heat Equation Using POD and Techniques
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi, Ming Xin and S. N. Balakrishnan
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Vol.29, No.3, 2008, pp.191-224.
  76. Paper Title: Reduced Order Optimal Control Synthesis of a Class of Distributed Parameter Systems Using Single Network Adaptive Critics
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi, Prashant Prabhat and S. N. Balakrishnan
    Journal Title, Reference Details: International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.4, No.2, Feb.2008, pp.457-469.
  77. Paper Title: Model Predictive Static Programming: A Promising Technique for Optimal Missile Guidance
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Annals of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, Vol.5, April 2008, pp.185-194.
  78. Paper Title: Model Following Neuro-Adaptive Control Design for Non-Square Non-Affine Nonlinear Systems
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi, Nishant Unnikrishnan and S. N. Balakrishnan
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 1, Issue 6, Nov. 2007, pp.1650-1661.
  79. Paper Title: Optimal Dynamic Inversion Control Design for a Class of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems with Continuous and Discrete Actuators
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi and S. N. Balakrishnan
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 1, Issue 6, Nov. 2007, pp. 1662-1671.
  80. Paper Title: An Optimal Dynamic Inversion Based Neuro-Adaptive Approach for Treatment of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi and Mangal Kothari
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol.87, 2007, pp.208-228.
  81. Paper Title: Robust/Optimal Temperature Profile Control of a High Speed Aerospace Vehicle Using Neural Networks
    Authors: Vivek Yadav, Radhakant Padhi and S. N. Balakrishnan
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol.18, No.4, 2007, pp.1115-1128.
  82. Paper Title: Precision Attitude Maneuver of Spacecrafts Using Model-following Neuro-adaptive Control
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi and Apurva Chunodkar
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Journal of Systems Science & Engineering, Vol.16, No.1, 2007, pp.8-18.
  83. Paper Title: A Suboptimal Control Design for Supressing Aeroelastic Flutter
    Authors: Priya G. Das and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Journal of Systems Science & Engineering Vol.15, No.1, June 2007, pp.57-64.
  84. Paper Title: A Single Network Adaptive Critic (SNAC) Architecture for Optimal Control Synthesis of a Class of Nonlinear Systems
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi, Nishant Unnikrishnan, Wang X. and S. N. Balakrishnan
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Neural Networks, Vol. 19, No. 10, Dec. 2006, pp.1648-1660.
  85. Paper Title: Feedback Linearization Based Nonlinear Control Designs for Automatic Treatment of Parturient Paresis of Cows
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol.84, 2006, pp.19-26.
  86. Paper Title: Optimal Management of Beaver Population Using a Reduced-order Distributed Parameter Model and Single Network Adaptive Critics
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi and S. N. Balakrishnan
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol.14, No.4, July 2006, pp.628-640.
  87. Paper Title: Effective Drug Dosage Design for Treatment of Infectious Diseases Using Dynamic Inversion
    Authors: J. R. Bhardhwaj and Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Journal of Indian Institute of Science, Vol. 86, July-Aug 2006, pp. 377-388.
  88. Paper Title: Pilot Command Implementation in Aircrafts: A New Approach Based on Dynamic Inversion
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, Vol. 58, No.3, Aug. 2006, pp.234-250.
  89. Paper Title: Development and Analysis of a Feedback Treatment Strategy for Parturient Paresis of Cows
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi and S. N. Balakrishnan
    Journal Title, Reference Details: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, Jan 2004, pp.52-64.
  90. Paper Title: Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Based Optimal Neurocontrol Synthesis of a Chemical Reactor Process Using Approximate Dynamic Programming
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi and S. N. Balakrishnan
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Neural Networks, Vol. 16, No. 5-6, June-July 2003, pp. 719-728.
  91. Paper Title: Optimal Process Control Using Neural Networks
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi and S. N. Balakrishnan
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Asian Journal of Control, Vol.5, No.2, June 2003, pp.217-229.
  92. Paper Title: Adaptive-Critic Based Optimal Neuro Control Synthesis for Distributed Parameter Systems
    Authors: Radhakant Padhi, S. N. Balakrishnan and Timothy W. Randolph
    Journal Title, Reference Details: Automatica, Vol. 37, Aug 2001, pp. 1223-1234.