Year Awarding Institute/ Organization Honour / Recognition Reason / Responsibility
2024 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) GNC Plenary Lecture Plenary coverage of Optimal Guidance in Indian’s Chandrayaan-3 mission and Beyond.
2023 International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Outstanding Service Award Dedicated service to IFAC in senior positions for many years.
2023 Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Certificate of Appreciation Excellent contributions in guiding and mentoring scientists of ISRO in the domain of control and guidance and contributions in the technical review system.
2021 Astronautical Society of India Fellow Outstanding contribution in space missions
2020 IEEE Control System Society Member of Board of Governors Outstanding Service to the IEEE Control System Society
2020 & 2021 IEEE AESS Bangalore Chapter and IEEE CSS Bangalore Chapter President To actively contribute for the cause of IEEE Aerospace and Electronic System Society and Control Systems Society in Bangalore (south India) region.
2020 Aeronautical Society of India Fellow for outstanding contribution in guidance and control of aerospace vehicles


Indian National Academy of Engineering Fellow For outstanding contribution in developing cutting-edge algorithms in nonlinear and optimal control, followed by successfully applying those to solve several challenging real-life problems in aerospace, biomedical and mechanical engineering.
2019 Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers Fellow For Substantial contribution in the field of Control engineering.
2018 Institution of Engineers, India Fellow For Substantial contribution in the field of Control engineering.
2017 Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, Odisha, India Distinguished Alumnus Award For excellent performance in the chosen field after graduation from Bachelor of Engineering in the university
2016 Aeronautical Society of India Excellence in Aerospace Education For imparting quality education in guidance and control of aerospace vehicles through classroom teaching, short courses and online video courses.
2014-2020 International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Member of IFAC Council To collectively take high-level decisions in several important activities of IFAC
2014 – 2016 Automatic Control and Dynamic Optimization Society (ACDOS) President To mobilize the vast intellectual human resource of India in the field of control & optimization to create a vibrant society with regular professional activities.
2011 – 2014 Vice President
2013 Univ. of Pretoria, South Africa Visiting Professor To carry out collaborative research in the Dept. of Electrical, Electronic & Comp. Sc. Engineering
2012 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Associate Fellow Substantial contribution in the field of guidance and control of aerospace vehicles.
2012 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Senior Member Substantial contribution in the field of control system technology
2010 IIT Roorkee VNMM Award For innovative and creative work in the field of engineering in India in any discipline
2009 Aeronautical Society of India Swarna Jayanti (Young Scientist) Award For Successful Technology Breakthrough in Aircraft Control Theory and Applications
2008 Systems Society of India Young Scientist Award for Systems Theory For substantial contribution in applications of nonlinear systems theory for guidance and control of aerospace vehicles.
2007 Indian National Academy of Engineering Young Engineer Award For substantial contribution in the field of nonlinear control theory for aerospace, biomedical and other engineering applications.