IISc Bangalore

Navigation, Guidance and Control (3:0)

AE 259

Navigation and guidance: Continuous waves and frequency modulated radars, MTI and Doppler radars; types of navigation; LORAN, Decca, Omega, VOR, INS GPS; guided missiles, guidance laws: pursuit, LOS and PN laws. Control: Control Systems Classical linear time invariant control systems transfer function representations, stability, Time domain characteristics, Frequency domain characteristics, Root Locus, Nyquist and Bode plots, Exposure to state space analysis.

Text books: 

Skolnik M.I., Introduction to Radar Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1982.
Zarchan P., Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance, AIAA, 2004.
Nise N., Control Systems Engineering, Wiley, 4th Ed., 2004.
Kayton M. and Fried W.R., Avionics Navigation Systems, John Wiley.
Lin C-F, Advanced Control Systems Design, Prentice Hall, 1994.
Lecture notes.




V. Mani, R. Padhi and M. S. Bhat

Offering Dates: 

4th week of July to 3rd week of Dec