AE 203
Properties of fluids, characteristics of the atmosphere, motion of a fluid element, conservation laws of mass, momentum and energy, inviscid flows, potential flows, vortex motion, aerodynamics of airfoils, boundary layer transition and turbulent flows.
Text books:
Gupta V. and Gupta. S.K., Fluid Mechanics and its Applications, Wiley Eastern, 1984.
Fay. J.A., Introduction of Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India, 1996.
Kuethe. A.M. and Chou. S.H., Foundations of Aerodynamics, Wiley, 1972.
Joseph Mathew, O. N. Ramesh, J. Dey and Arnab Samanta
Offering Dates:
4th week of July to 3rd week of Dec