IISc Bangalore

Dynamics of Flow Past on Oscillating Wing (3:0)

AE 330

Small disturbance flow past a wing and a wing section, unsteady incompressible potential flow past an oscillating airfoil and wing, unsteady compressible subsonic potential flow past an oscillating airfoil and wing, unsteady compressible supersonic potential flow past an oscillating airfoil and wing.

Text books: 

Josep Katz and Allen Plotkin, Low-speed aerodynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Tuncer Cebeci, Max Platzer, Hsun Chen, Kuo cheng, Chang Jian, P Shao, Analysis of low speed unsteady airfoil flows, Springer 2005.


An understanding of mechanics.


Kartik Venkatraman

Offering Dates: 

4th week of July to 3rd week of Dec