Recent Advances in Infrared Optics: From Metalenses to Upconversion Imaging
Auditorium (AE 005), Department of Aerospace EngineeringSpeaker: Prof. Varun Raghunathan
Speaker: Prof. Varun Raghunathan
Speaker: Prof. Tal Shima
Speaker: Dr. Salahudden
Speaker: Dr. Rachana Agarwal
Speaker: Prof. Antonio DeSimone
Speaker: Prof. Pavel I. Galich
Speaker: Dr. Pavanakumar Mohanamuraly
Phase transformation materials are characterized by their ability to rapidly and reversibly switch between distinct properties, such as insulating and conducting, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic, or Li-rich and Li-poor. These transformations, […]
Specific modal and non-modal mechanisms (flow coherences) in fluid flows, associated with distinct time and length scales, govern important flow phenomena, e.g., laminar-to-turbulent transition, turbulent drag, and flow separation. Consequently, […]
With the climate change becoming as one of the main challenges for human existence, every sector has to contribute in reducing its climate footprint. Being an international and hard to […]