IISc Bangalore

Santosh Hemchandra

Associate Professor
Email: hsantosh[at]iisc.ac.in
Office Phone Number: +91-80-22933165
Lab Phone Number: +91-80-22932071
Office Room Number: 201
Lab Room Number : 228



Ph.d (Aerospace engineering) Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009
M. S. (Aerospace engineering) Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007
B. Tech (Aerospace engineering) Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 2004

Research Interests

Combustion, Combustion Instability , hydrodynamic stability, Numerical methods.

Research Statement

Prof. Hemchandra’s research interests are in the general area of turbulent reacting flows and multiphase flows. His group is involved in  large scale computations of reacting turbulent flows as well as theoretical and experimental studies with the ultimate aim of understanding flow physics in unstabile combustors. This research is primarily motivated by the phenomenon of thermoacoustic instability – a crippling problem that limits the operation envelope of present day gas turbine engines for transport and power generation.In addition, the group is also involved in fundamental research in the areas of turbulent combustion modelling and hydrodynamic instabilities. Dr. Hemchandra is an active participant in the activities of the combustion, fuels and emissions committee of the ASME’s International Gas turbine institute.

  1. Harish G. Subramanian, K. Manoharan, S. Hemchandra . Influence of Nonaxisymmetric Confinement on the Hydrodynamic Stability of Multinozzle Swirl Flows. Journal of Engineering for gas turbines and power. 141. 2. doi: 10.1115/1.4041080. 2018
  2. Schlimpert S, Hemchandra S, Meinke M, Schroeder W. Hydrodynamic instability and shear layer effect on the response of an acoustically excited laminar premixed flame. Combustion and Flame (to appear). 2014. 2014
  3. Manoharan K, Hemchandra S. Absolute/convective instability transition in a backward facing step combustor: fundamental mechanism and influence of density gradient. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power (to appear). 2014. 2014
  4. Kashinath K, Hemchandra S, Juniper M. Nonlinear thermoacoustics of ducted premixed flames: the influence of perturbation convection speed. Combustion and Flame. 2013;160. 2013
  5. Hemchandra S. Premixed flame response to equivalence ratio fluctuations: Comparison between reduced order modeling and detailed computations. Combustion and Flame. 2012;159(12). 2012
  6. Hemchandra S. Heat release response of premixed flames to equivalence ratio fluctuations: Comparison between DNS and Reduced order modelling. In 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. AIAA 2012-0986. Nashville, TN, USA: AIAA. 2012
  7. Hemchandra S, Peters N, Lieuwen T. Heat release response of acoustically forced turbulent premixed flames—role of kinematic restoration. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2011;33:1609–1617. 2011
  8. Hemchandra S. Direct numerical simulation study of premixed flame response to equivalence ratio perturbations. In ASME Turbo Expo GT2011-45590. Vancouver, Canada: ASME. 2011
  9. Shreekrishna R, Hemchandra S, Lieuwen T. Premixed flame response to equivalence ratio perturbations. Combustion Theory and Modelling. 2010;14:681–714. 2010
  10. Preetham B, Thumuluru SK, Hemchandra S, Lieuwen T. Linear response of laminar premixed flames to flow oscillations: unsteady stretch effects. Journal of propulsion and power. 2010;26:524–532. 2010
  11. Hemchandra S, Lieuwen T. Local consumption speed of turbulent premixed flames–An analysis of “memory effects”. Combustion and Flame. 2010;157:955–965. 2010
  12. Hartmann D, Schroeder W, Hemchandra S. Influence of hydrodynamic instability on the heat release transfer functions of premixed flames. In ASME Turbo Expo. GT2010-22848. Glasgow, UK. 2010
  13. Hemchandra S. Recent advances in flame response prediction for combustion instability modelling. In 5th European conference on Computational fluid dynamics. Lisbon, Portugal. 2010
  14. Shanbhogue S, Shin D-H, Hemchandra S, Plaks D, Lieuwen T. Flame-sheet dynamics of bluff-body stabilized flames during longitudinal acoustic forcing. Proceedings of the combustion institute. 2009;32:1787–1794. 2009
  15. Preetham B, Hemchandra S, Lieuwen T. Dynamics of laminar premixed flames forced by harmonic velocity disturbances. Journal of Propulsion and Power. 2008;24:1390–1402. 2008
  16. Hemchandra S, Preetham B, Lieuwen TC. Response of turbulent premixed flames to harmonic acoustic forcing. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2007;31:1427–1434. 2007
  17. Hemchandra S, Sujith RI. Kinematic coupling effects on the heat-release transfer function of a premixed flame. Journal of propulsion and power. 2005;21:591–599. 2005
  18. Kashinath K, Hemchandra S, Juniper M. Nonlinear phenomena in Thermoacoustic Systems with Premixed flames. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power (recipient of the IGTI’s best paper award in the Comb. Fuels and Emissions track). 135. 2005

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