S. Saravanan
Principal Research Scientist
- B.Tech (Aeronautical Engineering) M.I.T. Anna University, Chennai, 1995.
- M.Tech (Aerospace Engineering) Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 1997.
- Ph. D in Aerospace Engineering at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2007.
Work Experience
- Spent six months as a Post Graduate Trainee after completing his M.Tech in the Experimental Aerodynamics Division at National Aerospace Laboratory, Bangalore.
- Scientific Officer Gr.II Feb. 1998 – 2003
- Scientific Officer Gr.I 2003 – 2006
- Senior Scientific Officer 2006 – 2012
- Principal Research Scientist 2012 – Till Date
Research Interests
- Design and develpement of an accelerometer force balance (i.e., 3 and 6-component accelerometer balances) to measure the aerodynamic forces and moments for various aerodynamic configuration within test duration of 1 ms.
- Aerospikes ahead of the blunt body, concentrated energy deposition along the stagnation streamline and forward facing jet in the stagnation zone of a blunt body are investigated for keeping the heat load to acceptable levels.
- Direct measurement of skin friction on backward facing step (2 mm step height) and on double-wedge model exposed to laminar hypersonic flow, using the PZT-5A piezo-ceramic gauge.
- Effect of permanent magnetic field on the aerodynamic drag coefficient (Cd) and heat transfer rates for a 120º apex angle blunt cone configuration at Mach 8 in the IISc free piston driven hypersonic shock tunnel.
- Using anodized aluminum pressure-sensitive paint (AA-PSP) on the truncated cone in the high supersonic tunnel of the University of Manchester at Mach 5
- Shock tunnel testing of scaled configurations, Instrumentation and experimental gas dynamics.