IISc Bangalore

Rishita Das

Assistant Professor

Email: rishitadas[at]iisc.ac.in

Office Room Number: AE 210

Phone Number 080-2293-3017

Turbulence Physics and Computational Research Lab

Lab Room Number : AE146

Lab Website:  https://tpcrl.com/



Please see https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=TaTKTfIAAAAJ





  • PhD in Aerospace Engineering (2021), Texas A&M University (TAMU), USA.
  • BTech + MTech (Dual degree) in Aerospace Engineering (2016), Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India.


  • August 2023 to present – Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
  • November 2021 to August 2023 – Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, New York University (NYU)

Research Interests

Turbulent flows, Low-speed & High-speed Flows, Small-scale Turbulence, Machine Learning, Information Theory, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems


Postdoctoral Researcher Position:

Applications are invited for the position of a postdoctoral researcher interested to pursue research in understanding and modeling flow physics in turbulent flows using advanced data-driven techniques. The project will involve development of a pseudospectral flow solver, large-scale numerical simulations of isotropic turbulent flows, theoretical and statistical understanding of turbulence, and data-driven methods to infer and model turbulence physics.

Essential Qualifications: Candidates must have a PhD degree in Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or a related field.

Eligibility: Candidates must have a strong background in fluid dynamics and turbulence, with a sound academic track record and ability to do research independently. Those with prior experience in code development (FORTRAN/C/C++) and execution of Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) and/or Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) of turbulent flows are preferred for this position. Candidates having experience/knowledge in data-driven methods, particularly Information theory and Machine learning, are also encouraged to apply. Candidates must have good communication and writing skills and be able to mentor MTech/PhD students.

Preferred Skills (at least two required): Turbulence theory/physics, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), High-performance computing, Data science & Machine learning

Applications will be primarily considered through the

  1. CV Raman Fellowship at IISc
  2. IISc Institute of Eminence (IoE) Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Applicants may also apply to other external sources of funding.

Duration: The duration of the fellowship is one year, with possible extension to one more year.

Salary: As per IISc Fellowships norms

For further details about the available projects and any other information, please contact Prof. Rishita Das at rishitadas@iisc.ac.in. To apply, send an email with a brief cover letter expressing interest and experience in this area along with the latest CV and publication record, a list of referees for letters of recommendation, and university transcripts.

Project Assistantship Position:

Applications are invited for the position of a Project Assistant/Associate interested to pursue research in understanding and modeling flow physics in turbulent flows. The project will involve CFD simulations of turbulent flows, applying data-driven methods to turbulent flows to infer physics, and development of physics-based neural network models of turbulence physics.

Essential Qualifications: Candidates must have a BTech or MTech degree in Aerospace Engineering/Mechanical Engineering or related fields.

Eligibility: Candidates must have a strong background in fluid dynamics and turbulence, with a sound academic track record. Those with prior experience in programming, specifically in CFD (DNS/LES), High-performance computing, Data science & Machine learning, are preferred for this position.

Duration: Up to 1 year with a 3-month probation

Salary: As per IISc norms

For any other information, please contact Prof. Rishita Das at rishitadas@iisc.ac.in. To apply, send an email with a brief cover letter expressing interest and experience in this area along with the latest CV and publication record, a list of referees for letters of recommendation, and university transcripts.

MTech/PhD Positions:

Prospective students who are interested in pursuing research towards an MTech or PhD degree are encouraged to apply to IISc. If you have any queries, please contact Prof. Rishita Das at rishitadas@iisc.ac.in.

Research Statement

Prof. Das’s research interest is in understanding and modeling the physics of turbulence, in both low-speed and high-speed turbulent flows. For this, her group relies on high-fidelity turbulent flow simulations (DNS & LES) and advanced data-driven methods. Some of the current areas of interests are listed below:

  • Understanding the role of pressure in incompressible isotropic turbulence.
  • Discovering causality in small-scale turbulence using Information theoretic methods.
  • Unsteadiness of shock-wave turbulent boundary layer interaction.
  • Modeling small-scale behavior of turbulence for improved LES using Machine-learning techniques.

Current Projects

Please see https://tpcrl.com/research-2/