IISc Bangalore

Ashwini Ratnoo

Associate Professor
Control & Guidance
Email: ratnoo[at]iisc.ac.in
Office Phone Number: +91(0)-80-2293-2224
Lab Phone Number: +91(0)-80-2293-3040
Office Room Number: AE 220
Lab Room Number : AE 144



B.E. (Electrical Engineering) : MBM Engineering College, Jodhpur, 2003
M.E. (Aerospace Engineering): Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, 2005
PhD (Aerospace Engineering): Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, 2009


  • Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India (2018-)
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India (2012-2018)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel (2009-2012)

Research Interests

  • Guidance and control of autonomous vehicles
  • Path planning and following
  • Aerial robotics


  • Associate Fellow- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
  • Elected Member- Indian National Young Academy of Sciences (INYAS)

Professional Service

  • Convener: ISRO-IISc Space Technology Cell, (2019-2023)
  • Member: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Technical Committee (2019-)
  • Associate Editor: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (2021-)
  • Guest Editor: Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy (INYAS Special Issue 2022)
  • Associate Editor: American Control Conference (ACC) (2016-2024), AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (2021,2022), Indian Control Conference (2021), IFAC International Conference on Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems ACODS (2016-2020), Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2019, 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2019)

Student Supervision

  • PhD: 8 Completed, 6 Ongoing
  • M Tech (Research): 3 Completed
  • M Tech: 13 Completed

In News

Eye in the Sky

Lab YouTube Channel

Corridor for Drones 

Research Statement

Seeking higher levels of autonomy, unmanned systems require efficient, robust and implementable  NGC (Navigation, Guidance and Control) methodologies. Our group is currently working on developing novel guidance and path planning solutions for autonomous vehicles. The research areas include vision based guidance, path planning in urban terrain, evasion tactics and optimization, UAV formation guidance and collision avoidance.

Updated list of publications from Google Scholar


Current Projects

Thematic research areas and corresponding sponsors are listed below.

  1.  On UAV Task Assignment Algorithms: IMPRINT India Initiative, MHRD
  2. Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Vehicles: Wipro-IISc Research Innovation Network
  3. Drone Skyways: Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber-Physical Systems

Past sponsors: NSTL (DRDO), BrahMos Aerospace (through Centre of Excellence for Hypersonics), DRDL-IISc Joint Advanced Technology Program, Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber-Physical Systems

  1. Shalini S, and Ratnoo A . Wall Following Guidance Using Multiple Sequential Line-of-Sight Information. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (Accepted). 2020
  2. Shalini S, and Ratnoo A . Engagement Time Constrained Formation Generation Guidance Following a Non-Maneuvering Leader. The Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering (Accepted). 2020
  3. Anjaly P, Ratnoo A. Target Tracking and Prosecution using Look-Angle Bifurcation. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (Accepted). 2019
  4. Dey S K, Ratnoo A. Unmanned Aircraft Systems Conflict Resolution Using Return-to-Course Maneuver. AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information Systems (Accepted). 2019
  5. Sharma Y R, Ratnoo A . A Bearings-Only Trajectory Shaping Guidance Law with Look-Angle Constraint. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. (Accepted). 2019
  6. Anjaly P, Ratnoo A. Bifurcation based Control Law for Pattern Generation. IEEE Control System Letters (L-CSS). 3. 2. 374-379. 2019
  7. Sharma Y R, Ratnoo A. Guidance law for Mimicking Short Range Ballistic Trajectories. The Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. In-press. 2018
  8. Upadhyay S, Ratnoo A. On Existence and Synthesis of Smooth Four Parameter Logistic Paths Inside Annular Passages. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters . 3. 4. 4375-4382. 2018
  9. Gautam A, Ratnoo A, Sujit PB. Log Polynomial Velocity Profile for Vertical Landing. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 41. 7. 1617-1623. 2018
  10. Anjaly P, Ratnoo A. Cooperative Beam-Rider Guidance for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Rendezvous. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems (Early Access). 2018
  11. Upadhyay S, Ratnoo A. A Point-to-Ray Framework for Generating Smooth Parallel Parking Maneuvers. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 3. 2. 1268-1275. 2018
  12. Akhil G, Ratnoo A, Ghose D. Generalized Time-Optimal Impact Angle Constrained Interception of Moving Targets. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 40. 8. 2115-2120. 2017
  13. Anjaly P, Ratnoo A.. Observability Enhancement of Maneuvering Target with Bearings-Only Information. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (Accepted). 2017
  14. Ratnoo A. A. Non-Switching Guidance Law for Trajectory Shaping Control. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (Accepted). 2017
  15. Pothen AA, Ratnoo A. Curvature-Constrained Lyapunov Vector Field for Stand-off Target Tracking. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (Accepted). 2017
  16. Agrawal P, Ratnoo A, Ghose D. Inverse Optical Flow Based Guidance for UAV Navigation Through Urban Canyons. Aerospace Science and Technology (Accepted). 2017
  17. Agrawal P, Ratnoo A, Ghose D. Image Segmentation Based UAV Safe Navigation. AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information Systems (Accepted). 2017
  18. Upadhyay S, Ratnoo A. Smooth Path Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Airspace Restrictions. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (Accepted). 2017
  19. Ratnoo A. Analysis of Two-Stage Proportional Navigation with Heading Constraints. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2016. 39. 1. 2016
  20. Ratnoo A. Three-Point Guidance for Intercepting Weaving Targets. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2016. 39. 8. 2016
  21. Upadhyay S, Ratnoo A. Continuous-Curvature Path Planning With Obstacle Avoidance Using Four Parameter Logistic Curves. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). 2016. 1. 2. 2016
  22. Akhil G, Ratnoo A, Ghose D. Time-Optimal Guidance for Lateral Interception of Moving Targets. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2016. 39. 3. 2016
  23. Ragesh R, Ratnoo A, Ghose D. Decoy Launch Envelopes for Survivability in an Interceptor–Target Engagement. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2016. 39. 3. 2016
  24. Saleem A, Ratnoo A. A Lyapunov Based Guidance Law for Impact Time Control and Simultaneous Arrival. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2016. 39. 1. 2016
  25. Ratnoo A. Variable Deviated Pursuit for Rendezvous Guidance. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2015. 38. 4. 2015
  26. Ratnoo A, Hayoun SY, Granot A, Shima T. Path Following using Trajectory Shaping Guidance. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2015. 38. 1. 2015
  27. Agrawal P, Ratnoo A, Ghose D. A Composite Guidance Strategy for Optical Flow Based UAV Navigation. In 3rd International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems. IIT-Kanpur, Kanpur, India. 2014
  28. Ragesh R, Ratnoo A, Ghose D. Evasion Strategies in Decoy Assisted Engagement. In 3rd International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems. IIT-Kanpur, Kanpur, India. 2014
  29. Akhil G, Ratnoo A, Ghose D. A modified dubins problem with partially restricted terminal conditions. In IEEE International Conference on Control Applications. Hyderabad, India. 2013
  30. Ratnoo A, Shima T. Guidance Strategies Against Defended Aerial Targets. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2012. 35. 4. 2012
  31. Ratnoo A, Ghose D. Kill-Band-Based Lateral Impact Guidance Without Line-of-Sight Rate Information. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2012. 35. 6. 2012
  32. Ratnoo A, Ghose D. Kill-Band Based Geometric Guidance for Lateral Impact in the Absence of Line-of-Sight Rate Information. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2012. 35. 6. 2012
  33. Ratnoo A, Shima T. Formation Flying Guidance for Cooperative Radar Deception. AIAA Journal Guidance, Control and Dynamics. 2012. 35. 6(1739). 2012
  34. Ratnoo A, Shima T.. Line-of-Sight Interceptor Guidance for Defending an Aircraft. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2011. 34(2). 2011
  35. Ratnoo A, Ghose D. Impact Angle Constrained Guidance Against Nonstationary Nonmaneuvering Targets. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2010. 33(1). 2010
  36. Ratnoo A, Ghose D. Collision-Geometry-Based Pulsed Guidance Law for Exoatmospheric Interception. AIAA Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics. 2009. 32(2). 2009
  37. Ratnoo A, Ghose D. State Dependent Riccati Equation Based Guidance Law for Impact Angle Constrained Trajectories. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2009. 32(1). 2009
  38. Ratnoo A, Ghose D. Impact Angle Constrained Interception of Stationary Targets. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 2008. 31(6). 2008

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This will be updated soon.