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The Dual Mesh Control Domain Method: A Marriage of the Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods

Auditorium, Department of Physics, IISc

The finite element method (FEM) and finite volume method (FVM) are widely used numerical techniques for solving differential equations, with FEM mainly applied in solid mechanics and FVM in heat transfer and fluid dynamics. Both methods have drawbacks: FEM can lead to discontinuities at element interfaces unless C1-continuous approximations are used, while FVM relies on […]

Phase Transformations in Multifunctional Materials

AE Auditorium

Phase transformation materials are characterized by their ability to rapidly and reversibly switch between distinct properties, such as insulating and conducting, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic, or Li-rich and Li-poor. These transformations, however, are accompanied by abrupt structural changes in the crystal lattices, which can nucleate defects, accumulate strain energy, and accelerate material decay. We investigate these […]

Two-Day Short Course on Mathematics and Computing of Risk, Reliability and Resilience in Network and Enterprise Systems

Auditorium (AE 005), Department of Aerospace Engineering

This course is designed to familiarize the students with the mathematical concepts and computational techniques in quantifying the risk, reliability and resilience (RRR) of large, complex systems, in the presence of multiple types of uncertainty. Often the information available for RRR analysis is heterogeneous, coming from multiple sources (models, tests, experts) and in multiple formats. […]

Ph.D. (Engg): Effect of Surface Roughness on Mechanical Strength of Adhesively Bonded CFRP Joints – Experimental and Numerical Studies

STC Seminar Hall, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering

This dissertation focuses on surface preparation and its effect on the shear strength of adhesively bonded Single Lap Joints (SLJs) in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP), their fracture properties, and the associated Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) parameters. The surface preparation was carried out using different grades of emery paper so that the interfaces of different roughness […]


AE Auditorium

Specific modal and non-modal mechanisms (flow coherences) in fluid flows, associated with distinct time and length scales, govern important flow phenomena, e.g., laminar-to-turbulent transition, turbulent drag, and flow separation. Consequently, numerous passive strategies featuring compliant materials have explored the effect of Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) on various flow coherences. In recent years, the emergence of Phononic […]

Ph.D. (Engg): Transonic shock buffet in an axial flow fan

Auditorium (AE 005), Department of Aerospace Engineering

Transonic shock buffet, a self-sustained shock oscillation resulting from shock-boundary layer interaction, is observed across a range of operating points on the performance map of a transonic axial flow fan. Shock oscillations impart time-varying air loads on fan blades with the potential of leading to fatigue-induced structural failure. Accurate estimations of shock buffet onset, shock displacement, and […]

The 41st Annual Symposium on Space Science and Technology

AE Auditorium

Indian Space Programme: has been a catalyst for advanced research, technological innovation and space exploration in the country. Scientific data from ISRO’s earth observation, lunar and planetary exploration missions are being used by hundreds of scientists across the country. More than 1000 R&D Projects have been supported through the RESPOND Programme and Space Technology cells. […]

AERES 2025

Auditorium (AE 005), Department of Aerospace Engineering

The Department of Aerospace Engineering, IISc, is excited to invite you to AERES 2025—a premier Aerospace Research Students’ Symposium. This 4-day event brings together MTech and PhD students from IISc and other leading institutes to showcase innovative research and connect with industry experts.   Why Attend AERES 2025? • 6 Keynote Talks: Hear from distinguished leaders in the aerospace […]

Ph.D. (Engg): Ultrasonic Guided Wave-based Inspection of Additively Manufactured Components

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Layered structural components, such as laminated composites and those made via Additive Manufacturing (AM), are widely used in aerospace and automotive industries due to their various advantages. The layer-wise approach allows for intricate and multifunctional designs, but their performance depends on factors such as joining technique, material properties, manufacturing conditions, and service environments. These layered […]

MTech (Res): Woven composite modeling

STC Conference Hall, Ground Floor, Department of Aerospace Engineering
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

In this work, a novel sub-mesoscale model of woven fabrics is developed using nonlinear finite element methods. The main aim of the work is to develop a framework for modeling woven fabrics. The yarns are modeled as beam elements that move freely in space and undergo large deformations and rotations. A geometrically-exact beam theory (GEBT) […]

Ph.D. (Engg): Passive control and intermittent dynamics of the precessing vortex core oscillation in swirl flows

Virtual Event Hybrid Event

Swirl is used in modern gas turbine combustor nozzles to achieve   reliable flame stabilization and efficient fuel-air mixing. The swirl   component in the nozzle jet flow induces an axial vortex. At high swirl   intensities, vortex breakdown occurs, creating a recirculation zone in   the flow known as the vortex breakdown bubble (VBB). VBB appearance is   typically […]

MTech(Res): Adjoint-Based Aerodynamic Shape and Mesh Optimization with High-order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods

STC Seminar Hall, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering

The aerodynamic shape of an aircraft plays a critical role in its performance. Aerodynamic Shape Optimization (ASO) modifies the shape to achieve desired performance metrics, such as reduced drag or increased lift. ASO integrates numerical optimization techniques with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Gradient-based optimization techniques are widely employed for ASO. The adjoint solution enables the […]

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