Kartik Venkatraman
Associate Professor
Structures & Materials
AE 202
- Ph.D. (Applied Mechanics), Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 1995
- M.S. (Applied Mechanics), Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 1991
- B.Tech. (Aerospace Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 1988
Work Experience
- 1996-97, Visiting Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur
- 1995-96, Research Associate, Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
Research Interests
- Transonic buffet and buffeting over a flexible wing.
- Computational aeroelasticity in turbomachines.
- Aerothermoelasticity of hypersonic vehicles.
- Fluid-elastic interactions in biomechanics.
- Aeroelasticity of very flexible flight vehicles.
- Reduced order models in aeroelasticity
- Active aeroelastic wing technology.
- Vibration and acoustics