
Associate Professor


Dr. Sourabh Diwan

Office Phone Number:

Lab Phone Number:

Office Room Number:


Research interests:
Experimental aerodynamics, Bypass transition in boundary layers, Turbulent flows, Hydrodynamic stability, Atmospheric flows

Assistant Professor


Dr. Sourabh Diwan

Office Phone Number:

Lab Phone Number:

Office Room Number:


Research interests:
Experimental aerodynamics, Bypass transition in boundary layers, Turbulent flows, Hydrodynamic stability, Atmospheric flows

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DST-INSPIRE Faculty Fellow

Dr. Sumit Tambe

“Curious about the fundamental problems of fluid mechanics. Skilled, especially, in experimental flow measurement techniques like PIV, Schlieren and Infrared Thermography, and data processing using modal decomposition.”

Dr. Sumit Tambe

“Curious about the fundamental problems of fluid mechanics. Skilled, especially, in experimental flow measurement techniques like PIV, Schlieren and Infrared Thermography, and data processing using modal decomposition.”

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Post-doctoral fellow

Dr Vishak Chandra

“I use high-performance computing numerical algorithms based on finite difference methods to study the turbulent flow jets produced during human speech and coughs. The model is now being extended using an Euler-Lagrange approach to study gas-liquid interactions in further detail. ”

Research interests:
Computational fluid dynamics, speech turbulence, phase change, Euler-Lagrange

PhD students

Srinivas Kirthy K

 “I investigate the stability characteristics of planar Couette-Poiseuille flow, a configuration often encountered in engineering systems.”

Research interests
Hydrodynamic stability, turbulent and reacting flows

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Robin Joseph

“My research is primarily towards understanding and controlling laminar-turbulent transition in subsonic boundary layers using experimental techniques. I also use techniques like time-frequency analysis, POD, stability analysis, etc to generate further insight into the acquired datasets.” 

M.Tech – Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, 2017
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Aditya Anand

Studying transitional and turbulent boundary layers using numerical and experimental methods.”

Research interests:
Turbulence Energy Cascade, Coherent Structures, Boundary Layer, Particle Tracking, Direct Numerical Simulation
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Rohit Singhal

DNS, Jets, Plumes, Off-source heated jets, CoVid-19, 


Email ID: rohitsinghal@iisc.ac.in

Abhishek Tyagi

Research interests:
Turbulent Boundary Layer, Coherent Structures.

Email tabhishek@iisc.ac.in

Satyajit De

Research interests:
Transition, Boundary Layer, Intermittency, Cellular Automata, DNS.

Email satyajitde@iisc.ac.in

I Sai Eswar

I do wind tunnel testing to measure turbulent pressure fluctuations on the surface and in the flow like in boundary layer, wake.

Alma mater:
M.E. Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, 2017.

B.Tech Aeronautical Engineering, MRCET, JNTU, Hyderabad, 2013.


Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, 2015-2017.

Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, 2023-present.


Masters students

Shashank Reddy S

“My work includes modelling the dispersed phase in moist turbulent jets such as cough/speech flows and performing DNS studies to access the probability of viral infection through respiratory activities.  The model includes solving the moment transport equations of the secondary phase using DQMOM and CQMOM.”

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Yash Naiwar

My primary research interests are “Transition and Turbulent flows”. I seek the growth of turbulent spots within the boundary layer as the transition takes place from Laminar to Turbulent. My research is towards the experimental techniques to detect the growth of these turbulent spots.

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Research staff

Facility Manager

Dr Chandan Kumar A

Low Speed Wind Tunnel

Office Phone Number:

Research interests:
Experimental Aerodynamics, Propeller flows, Turbulent Boundary layer, Particle Image Velocimetry

Staff member

C V Ramamurthy


Nagaraj R.
