
Following are some of the areas in which we are seeking students/post-docs



Scaling and structure of high-Reynolds-number wall turbulence 


Origin of coherent motions and their manipulation 


Spatio-temporal intermittency and the interpretation of extreme events in terms of singularities of the Euler equation


Mechanisms of roughness-induced transition


Development of technologies for transition and turbulence control for aerospace applications


Application of AI to turbulence research


Aerosol transport by transient interacting jets in the context of human respiratory flows (cough/speech flows)

Prospective students who want to do MTech/PhD in our group need to come through the IISc admissions process

Prospective post-docs are encouraged to apply to SERB NPDF (https://serbonline.in/SERB/npdf)_   and IISc CV Raman/IoE fellowships (https://iisc.ac.in/post-docs/) .