Group Introduction

Active Research Areas

Group Introduction

Active Research Areas

The focus of our research group is to study transitional and turbulent flows in a variety of different contexts. We are motivated by the quest to understand the rich and fascinating complexity exhibited by these flows by investigating their scaling and structure. The problems we tackle include turbulent boundary layers, turbulent jets, transitional boundary layers, channel flows etc. A recurring theme in our work is to perturb a flow to study its response and to understand its behaviour by measuring its departure from the canonical state. Towards this we use experimental, computational and theoretical tools as may be fit for a given problem. We constantly seek to translate our laboratory research into applications of relevance to industry and society. Some examples include the delay of transition to reduce drag and enable greener transport, reduction of the severity of hot spots towards enhancing the lifetime of gas-turbine blades and quantifying the transport of aerosols during cough and speech relevant to the spread of COVID-19-type diseases. Another important theme of our work is applied aerodynamics. We house the largest wind tunnel in India and offer wind tunnel consultancy and R&D support to major aerospace and automobile development programs in India. We are a vibrant group of people committed to academic excellence and scholarship.


2 February 2024: Congratulations to Rohit Singhal for finishing his PhD thesis defense

16 January 2024: Congratulations to Robin Joseph for finishing his PhD thesis defense

1 January 2024: We welcome KVS Aditya and Bhavesh Srivastava (both MTech course students) to our research group

1 August 2023: We welcome Sai Eswar (Phd) and Yash Naiwar (MTech-res) to our research group

23 June – 9 July 2023: Sourabh Diwan visits Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics at Lill (LMFL) as Visiting Professor for the Lille Turbulence Programme 2023.

2 June 2023: Robin Joseph gives PhD colloquium on his thesis entitled “Charaterization and control of boundary layer transition caused by distributed surface roughness”.

17 April 2023: Rohit Singhal gives PhD colloquium on his thesis entitled “Vorticity and scalar transport in round turbulent jets with and without heating”.

21 March 2023: Dr Sourabh Diwan is awarded the Royal Society International Exchanges Award for exchange visits between IISc and Cambridge University (Collaborator: Prof. N Swaminathan, Department of Engineering, Cambridge University).

27 February 2023: Dr Sumit Tambe is awarded the INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship in 2022 call by DST, Govt. of India.

23 January 2023 Congratulations to Shashank Reddy, a prize winner for video presentation at AERES 2023.

2 January 2023: We welcome Dr Vishak Chandra in our group as a National Post-doctoral Fellow.