IISc Bangalore

K Nagashetty

Scientific officer Grade II

Email: nagashetty[at]iisc.ac.in
Office Phone Number: +91-80-22933162
Lab Phone Number: +91-80-22932424
Office Room Number:
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Lab Website: LHSR



  • M.Sc. Engineering (Aerospace Engineering) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 2015
  • M.Sc. Engineering (Electronic Instrumentation) Bangalore University  2002
  • B.E. (Electronics Engineering) Bangalore University 1988

Research Interests

Aerodynamics and Shock Wave dynamics

Research Statement

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  1. Nagashetty K., Reddeppa P., Saravanan S., Jagadeesh G and Reddy K.P.J. “Comparison of visualization of flow field with electric discharge and Schlieren in a hypersonic shock tunnel.. 23rd International Shock Interaction Symposium, Kruger National Park, South Africa,. 2018
  2. Nagashetty K, Biswajit Medhi, Sriram R, Jagadeesh G, Reddy K P J. Tomographic Visualization of the Hypersonic Flow Field over a Wave rider.. 30th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Tel Aviv, Israel. 2015
  3. K. Nagashetty, S. Saravanan, G. Jagadeesh and K.P.J. Reddy. “Heat Transfer Measurements on Wave rider at Hypersonic Mach Numbers. 20th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA. 2014
  4. Reddappa, P and K. Nagashetty, Saravanan, S, Jagadeesh, G and Gai, SL. “Measurement of Heat Transfer Rate on Backward-Facing Steps at Hypersonic Mach number. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. 25(3). 321-328. 2011
  5. Saravanan, S and K. Nagashetty and Hegde, GM and Jagadeesh G and Reddy, KP. Schlieren visualization of shock wave phenomena over a missile-shaped body at hypersonic Mach numbers. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers-Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 225 (GI). 26-34. 2011
  6. Nagashetty K, Ramesh Babu R, Saravanan S, Jagadeesh G and Reddy KPJ. “Heat transfer measurements on a hypersonic wave rider at Mach 6 in Shock Tunnel”. , 27th International Symposium on Shock Waves, St. Petersburg, Russia. 2009
  7. Tarandeep Singh, Nagashetty K, R. Ramesh Babu, and K. P. J. Reddy,. “Investigation of Hypersonic Boundary Layer transition on a cone Model”. 27th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Saint Petersburg, Russia. 2009
  8. G. Jagadeesh, R. Sriram, M.S. Hariharan, S. Saravanan, K. Nagashetty and K.P.J. Reddy,. “Experimental Investigations on the Effect of a Thermal Bump in the Hypersonic Flow Around a Flat Plate”. AIAA 2009-1402. 2009
  9. Saravanan S, Nagashetty K, Jagadeesh G, and Reddy KPJ,. “Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Reduction by Forward Facing Cavity for Missile Shaped Bodies Flying at Hypersonic Speed”. 26th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Gottingen, Germany. 2007
  10. Hemanth K, Jagadeesh G, Saravanan S, Nagashetty K, and Reddy KPJ,. “Shock tunnel testing of a Mach 6 hypersonic wave rider”,. 26th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Gottingen, Germany. 2007
  11. Reddeppa P, Nagshetty K, and Jagadeesh G. “Investigations of separated flow over backward facing steps in IISc hypersonic shock tunnel”,. 26th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Gottingen, Germany. 2007
  12. G. Jagadeesh, S. Saravanan, Nagashetty K and K.P.J. Reddy. “Free-floating accelerometer force balance for shock tunnel testing”. 5th International Strain gauge balance symposium, ONERA, France,. 2006
  13. N. Rama, K.N. Nataraja, Gouri Neelima, M. Udayakumar, Nagashetty K, G. Jagadeesh,. Shock waves assisted Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation as a new gene transfer method”. 699-703. Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Bangalore, India,. 2005
  14. Nagashetty K, S. Saravanan, K. Satheesh, B.R. Srinivasa Rao, G. Jagadeesh and K. P. J. Reddy. “Force measurements on hypersonic wave riders in the IISc hypersonic shock tunnel HST-2”. 341-346. Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Beijing, China,. 2004
  15. Jagadeesh G, Sun M, Nagashetty K., Reddy K.P.J. and Takayama K. “Studies on the effects of test gas in the flow field around a large angle blunt cone flying at hypersonic Mach number”. Transaction of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. 45. 149. 2002
  16. Viren Menezes, Jagadeesh G, Nagashetty K and K. P. J. Reddy. Visualization studies around spiked blunt cones using electrical discharge technique at Mach 5.75”,. 10th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Kyoto, Japan,. 2002
  17. Jagadeesh G, Sun M, Nagashetty K and Reddy K.P.J. Experimental investigation of the test gas effects on hypersonic flow field around large angle blunt cone in hypersonic shock tunnel. AIAA Paper No. 2001-0305.. 2001
  18. Jagadeesh G, Nagashetty K, Srinivasa Rao B. R and Reddy K. P. J. “Gas temperature layer visualization in hypersonic shock tunnel using electric discharge. 864-871 . SPIE Proc. 24th International congress on High speed photonics and photography, Sendai, Japan,. VOL.4183. 2000
  19. Nagashetty K, N, Syed Saifuddin K, Saravanan S, Gurumurthy K. S and Reddy K. P. J. “Shock stand-off distance visualization in hypersonic shock tunnel using electrical discharge technique,. 674-681. " SPIE Proc. 24th International congress on High speed photonics and photography, Sendai, Japan,. VOL 4183. 2000
  20. Jagadeesh G, Nagashetty K, Srinivasa Rao B. R and Reddy K. P. J. “Separated Hypersonic Flow Visualization Using Electric Discharge,”. Proc. 9th (Millennium) International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Edinburgh,. Paper No 151. 2000
  21. Saravanan S, Viren Menezes, Niranjan Sahoo, Nagashetty K and Reddy K. P. J. “Measurement of Aerodynamic Forces Using Accelerometer Balance System in Hypersonic Shock Tunnel HST2,. Proc. Seminar on Aerospace Technologies, Hyderabad. 2000
  22. Nagashetty K. Syed Saifuddin K, Saravanan S, Gurumurthy K. S, Jagadeesh G and Reddy K.P.J. “Visualization of shock shapes around blunt bodies at hypersonic Mach number in a shock tunnel using electrical discharge technique”. Current Science. 79. 8. 1086-1089. 2000
  23. Jagadeesh, G. Reddy, N. M., Nagashetty K. and Reddy, K.P.J. “Forebody convective hypersonic heat Transfer Measurements Over Large Angle Blunt”. J. Spacecrafts and Rockets. 37. 137-139. 2000
  24. Nagshetty K, Jagadeesh G, Srinivasa Rao B.R., Reddy N.M., and Reddy K.P.J.,. Electrical Discharge Facility for Flow Visualization in Hypersonic Shock Tunnels,. 23rd National Symposium on Instrumentation (NSI-23), B.I.T, Ranchi,. 1998
  25. Jagadeesh, G. Reddy, N. M., Nagashetty K. and Reddy, K.P.. “Forebody convective Heat Transfer Measurements Over Large Angle Blunt Cones at Hypersonic Mach Number. AIAA Paper No. 98-2601. 1998
  26. Jagadeesh G, Srinivasa Rao B. R, Nagashetty K, Reddy N. M and Reddy K.P.J,. Electrical Discharge Technique for flow visualization in Hypersonic Shock Tunnel. 121-125. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Moscow, Russia. 1997
  27. Jagadeesh G, Srinivasa Rao B. R, Nagashetty K, Reddy N. M and Reddy K.P.. “Electrical discharge technique for three-dimensional flow field visualization in hypersonic shock tunnel. J. of Flow Visualization and Image processing. 4. 51-57. 1997
  28. Jagadeesh G, Srinivasa Rao B. R, Nagashetty K, Reddy N. M and Reddy K. P. J. “Flow field Investigations Around Bodies in IISc Hypersonic Shock Tunnel HST-1 using Electrical Discharge Technique. 148-158. Proc. Discussion Meeting on Flight Vehicle Aerodynamics. 1997
  29. Jagadeesh G, Srinivasa Rao B. R, Nagashetty K, Reddy N. M and Reddy K. P. J. “Electrical discharge technique for Three-Dimensional Shock Shape Visualization in Hypersonic Shock Tunnel. 397-400. Proc. The I Pacific conf. on Flow visualization & Image Processing, Honolulu, Hawaii,. 1997
  30. Remesh N, Jagadeesh G, Ravi B. R, Nagashetty K, Reddy N. M and Reddy K. P.. Measurement of heat transfer and skin friction over flat plate at M=5.75 in IISc hypersonic shock tunnel-HST1. J. Aero. Soc. of India. 48. 4. 261-266. 1996
  31. Jagadeesh G, Srinivasa Rao B. R, Nagashetty K, Reddy N. M and Reddy K. P. J. A new technique for visualization of shock shapes in hypersonic shock tunnel. current science. 71. 2. 128-130. 1996
  32. Reddy N. M, Nagashetty K, Jagadeesh G and Reddy K. P. J. “Review of research investigations during 1975-1995 in IISc hypersonic shock tunnel (HST1) at hypersonic Mach numbers. Sadhana- Proc. Ind. Aca. of Sci.. 21. 741-773. 1996

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